Getting Started

Simply link the CSS or download the files and use to your liking. Feel free to modify the code to your liking.

Files Available for Download

File Name Notes ZIP Size Min Size Required
purecssframework.css This file has everything you need to run all the CSS, components and layouts. 14kb 82kb ✔ Required
theme-dark.css This file is completely optional, only if you need a dark version of PCF.
To see an example of the dark version click the top right nav menu "Theme: Classic" to toggle it to "Theme: Dark".

If you use this file it needs to be loaded after the purecssframework.css file so it can override the colors.
2kb 9kb Optional
theme-colors.css For those who don't use any preprocessors for CSS, this is an easy way to see all the classes styles that use actual colors.
This small file will make it super easy for you to change color sets without hunting though hundreds of classes.

If you use this file it needs to be loaded after the purecssframework.css file so it can override the colors.
2kb 9kb Optional
SASS Version This DIR will have all the SASS files you will need tomake the purecssframework.css file after being complied. Variables are set for colors, font stacks, border radius, buttons, form sizes etc.

All components and CSS sections will all be include .scss files that get imported into the main purecssframework.scss file to makemanagement very easy.
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standalones/pch-carousel.css This is a standalone file which has no dependencies.

This is great so you don't have to add the extra download of this component to pages that don't need it.

Learn more about the PCF Carousel here. SASS carousel version not avialable yet.
2kb 14kb Optional

Pure CSS Framework Version: V1

Download the beta Pure CSS Framework files straight to your computer though github.

 |  Download PCF V1

Previous Versions